Thursday, March 03, 2005

Object Oriented....

Everyday, during lunch we(Dinesh, Paraddi, Vivek and I) discuss anything and everything. Yesterdays main topic was "Everything is object oriented".

God created a skeleton class and made all interfaces, virtual functions. So all human beings are objects of same base class. When a child is born, god creates a derived class and defines some of the functions and leaves some to be defined. When we grow we define all our virtual functions, such as our attitude, likes, dislikes and so on.

Some people are so dumb decause, I think god was feeling sleepy when he wrote their learning, common sense and functions like that. It would have been good if those functions were pure virtual, so that he/she is forced to define it. Since it is already defined by god, such people think, they are gifted and they know everything in the world.

1 comment:

Karthik CS said...

Hmm... good theory... now explain God in OO terms.. :P