Thursday, November 27, 2008

My blood is of no value!?!?

This happened yesterday. There was a blood donation camp at office. I thought of contributing to the noble deed, and the fact that some part of me will do some good to someone else took me there. I had just returned from US 2 days ago, from the hectic life with no or little time to sleep. I was told that my BP was high and asked to wait for another 10 minutes. Again, it was same. I don't know, could be because of the journey or the life-style in US caused it.

OK, I was ineligible for blood donation. Oh man the project costed me some personal damage too... All that is fine, I know I will be normal after a week, but what made me sad was what I was told by the lady who tested my blood pressure.

In order to make me less nervous(anyway I was not), she told my blood group is very common and "It does not matter if you do not donate". Oh my god, I am anyway worthless, and so is my blood!!!
Though I know that she didn't literally mean what she said, but some low priority thread spawned in my head thinking about that....


Vishwanath.N said...

U fall from an accident and out of 10 people that come to lift you, 6 will be "O" blod group.

Hence we are the maximum donor's to any bllod bank.

Hope that motivated U my friend.

Shashi said...

Vishwa, it did not demotivate me, but I was just wondering different perspectives of looking at facts!!

Karthik CS said...

By the way.. just visit a doc and get BP tested anyway. Madve aadmele innu jaasti aagogatte adikke :D