Wednesday, August 07, 2019

Some Vague thoughts

This post contains some of my random and raw thoughts, learnings, explorations, confusions on life...

Of late, Satya and I are discussing some of the next level stuff about life and existence. What is our purpose here, why do we have certain desires, how to control our minds, what is next?

Often times, I have failed to understand the meaning of 'Self' or the 'the soul'. I follow Swamy Sarvapriyananda's discourses on Youtube. I do understand to a certain extent but I feel there are gaps in my understanding.
Swamyji says meditation is the key to control the mind. We carefully prepare our food so that the stomach does not get upset from what we eat.
We don't just take a morsel of junk and put it inside our mouth. But we do exactly that with our minds. We take in things from the world indiscriminately and dump things into the mind until it becomes a mental dumpster. Through the cyclic process, these become part of subconscious mind. We don't have direct access to this part of mind.
I will write more as and when I get some more insights.

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