Saturday, October 19, 2019

Improvement in recovery

I am almost back to normal now. The hauntings continue, but in small bursts and does not last longer. A lot of medium articles about happiness, how to get out of misery are helping the mind to be stable and lean towards positive thinking.
A good sign is, I am able to do 2 back to back workouts these days without fatiguing completely. After a strength workout, I am going for Dance fitness. My stamina is comparatively better during second workout compared to earlier.
Somewhere I read, "patch up or break up, don't go too low on your self esteem", which makes sense. But, what happens to life later is a haunting question, which I still have not found an answer. Most probably I might take the life as it comes.
One probable change that might help me is travel, I should take up solo travel to some tranquil places so the soul starts healing and accept the reality.
In spite of all these, I am still unable to figure out my fault in the whole scheme of things. In whatever angle I analyse, my actions were mere reactions to what happened, and at that time, I tried my best not to loose control. But still why this happened in my life is a big question. Did I expect too much? I don't know. Anyway, I can't blame anybody for what happened in my life, it is my life and I should figure a way to live it.
Signing off for yet another day...

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