Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Recurrence of that feeling

As the days pass, you are very confident of your role and purpose in life. You read good books, watch good movies and growing positive attitude towards life. You think you are going to conquer the world.
And, suddenly one day you wake up and feel you are lost, and your longing for that which was the primary reason for your existential crisis, increases. You can no longer focus on things, sleepless nights haunt you, you become very vulnerable. You have crossed over to the negative side.
This could be an opportunity to bounce back and gain higher amplitude on the positive side. But it is not an easy task, you will go through the suffering and same questions about purpose of your existence starts to haunt you.
You are afraid, life is not going to be same again. The eternal loneliness, the void, aimlessness - all these feelings hurt you to the core.
You become vulnerable and try to mend your broken heart and begin making peace with the same life that you once buried not to be re-opened. You beg, plead to go back to that life again, but somewhere you know it is not possible.

Then, slowly everything becomes clear, you make new conviction to live your life, and it is all over again. Sound mind in fit body becomes theme of life and future days will be happy and productive. But it doesn't happen just like that. You need a stimulus. This time, my stimulus was the book, "Be my perfect ending". When I started reading this book, some transformation took place and whatever I am feeling as missing in life became too small compared what I can achieve. So, I bounced back.

I am writing this so that if I ever get into the trap, I know this place will get me back to normal!

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